Package-level declarations


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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class POAllGatewayConfigurations(@Json(name = "gateway_configurations") val gatewayConfigurations: List<POGatewayConfiguration>, @Json(name = "total_count") val totalCount: Int, @Json(name = "has_more") val hasMore: Boolean)

Defines gateway configurations.

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data class POAlternativePaymentMethodResponse(val gatewayToken: String, val customerId: String?, val tokenId: String?, val returnType: POAlternativePaymentMethodResponse.APMReturnType)

Response of the alternative payment.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class POBarcode(@Json(name = "type") val rawType: String, @Json(name = "value") val rawValue: String)

Defines the data for barcode generation.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = false)
enum POBillingAddressCollectionMode : Enum<POBillingAddressCollectionMode>

Billing address collection modes.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class POCard(val id: String, @Json(name = "project_id") val projectId: String, val scheme: String?, @Json(name = "co_scheme") val coScheme: String?, @Json(name = "preferred_scheme") val preferredScheme: String?, val type: String?, @Json(name = "bank_name") val bankName: String?, val brand: String?, val category: String?, val iin: String?, @Json(name = "last_4_digits") val last4Digits: String?, val fingerprint: String?, @Json(name = "exp_month") val expMonth: Int?, @Json(name = "exp_year") val expYear: Int?, @Json(name = "cvc_check") val cvcCheck: String?, @Json(name = "avs_check") val avsCheck: String?, @Json(name = "token_type") val tokenType: String?, val name: String?, val address1: String?, val address2: String?, val city: String?, val state: String?, @Json(name = "country_code") val countryCode: String?, val zip: String?, @Json(name = "expires_soon") val expiresSoon: Boolean, val metadata: Map<String, String>?, val sandbox: Boolean, @Json(name = "created_at") val createdAt: Date, @Json(name = "updated_at") val updatedAt: Date, @Json(name = "update_type") val updateType: String?) : Parcelable

A card object represents a credit or debit card. It contains many useful pieces of information about the card but it does not contain the full card number and CVC which are kept securely in the ProcessOut Vault.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class POCardIssuerInformation(val scheme: String, @Json(name = "co_scheme") val coScheme: String? = null, val type: String? = null, @Json(name = "bank_name") val bankName: String? = null, val brand: String? = null, val category: String? = null, val country: String? = null) : Parcelable

Holds information about card issuing institution that issued the card to the card holder.

Defines the response with preferred scheme that will be used for card tokenization by default. This response can only be created from POCardTokenizationPreferredSchemeRequest.toResponse function.

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Defines the response to decide whether the flow should continue or complete after the failure. This response can only be created from POCardTokenizationShouldContinueRequest.toResponse function.

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Defines the response to decide whether the flow should continue or complete after the failure. This response can only be created from POCardUpdateShouldContinueRequest.toResponse.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class POColor(val light: String, val dark: String)

Color for light/dark themes.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class POCustomerToken(val id: String, @Json(name = "customer_id") val customerId: String, @Json(name = "gateway_configuration_id") val gatewayConfigurationId: String?, @Json(name = "card_id") val cardId: String?, @Json(name = "invoice_id") val invoiceId: String?, val type: String, val description: String?, @Json(name = "verification_status") val verificationStatus: String, @Json(name = "is_default") val isDefault: Boolean, @Json(name = "return_url") val returnUrl: String?, @Json(name = "cancel_url") val cancelUrl: String?, val metadata: Map<String, String>, @Json(name = "created_at") val createdAt: Date, val summary: String?, @Json(name = "is_chargeable") val isChargeable: Boolean, @Json(name = "manual_invoice_cancellation") val manualInvoiceCancellation: Boolean?, @Json(name = "can_get_balance") val canGetBalance: Boolean?)

Customer token information.

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Dynamic checkout configuration.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class POGateway(val name: String, @Json(name = "display_name") val displayName: String, @Json(name = "logo_url") val logoUrl: String, val url: String, val tags: List<String>, @Json(name = "can_pull_transactions") val canPullTransactions: Boolean, @Json(name = "can_refund") val canRefund: Boolean, @Json(name = "native_apm_config") val nativeApmConfig: PONativeAlternativePaymentMethodConfig?)

Defines gateway.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class POGatewayConfiguration(val id: String, val gateway: POGateway?, @Json(name = "gateway_id") val gatewayId: Int, @Json(name = "gateway_name") val gatewayName: String?, val name: String?, @Json(name = "default_currency") val defaultCurrency: String, @Json(name = "merchant_account_country_code") val merchantAccountCountryCode: String?, val enabled: Boolean, @Json(name = "created_at") val createdAt: Date, @Json(name = "enabled_at") val enabledAt: Date?, @Json(name = "sub_accounts_enabled") val subAccountsEnabled: List<String>? = null)

Defines single gateway configuration.

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data class POGooglePayCardTokenizationData(val card: POCard, val paymentData: POGooglePayPaymentData)

Defines the Google Pay card tokenization data.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class POGooglePayPaymentData(val apiVersion: Int, val apiVersionMinor: Int, val paymentMethodData: POGooglePayPaymentData.PaymentMethodData, val email: String?, val shippingAddress: POGooglePayPaymentData.Address?)

Corresponds to Google Pay PaymentData.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class POImageResource(@Json(name = "light_url") val lightUrl: POImageResource.ResourceUrl, @Json(name = "dark_url") val darkUrl: POImageResource.ResourceUrl?)

Image resource for light/dark themes.

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data class POInvoice(val id: String, val amount: String = String(), val currency: String = String(), val returnUrl: String? = null, val customerId: String? = null, val transaction: POTransaction? = null, val paymentMethods: List<PODynamicCheckoutPaymentMethod>? = null, val clientSecret: String? = null)

Invoice details.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class PONativeAlternativePaymentMethod(val state: PONativeAlternativePaymentMethodState, val parameterDefinitions: List<PONativeAlternativePaymentMethodParameter>?, val parameterValues: PONativeAlternativePaymentMethodParameterValues?)

Details of native alternative payment method.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class PONativeAlternativePaymentMethodCapture(val state: PONativeAlternativePaymentMethodState)

Defines capture state.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class PONativeAlternativePaymentMethodConfig(val parameters: List<PONativeAlternativePaymentMethodParameter>?)

Native alternative payment method configuration.

Defines the response with default values for native alternative payment method parameters. This response can only be created from PONativeAlternativePaymentMethodDefaultValuesRequest.toResponse function.

@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class PONativeAlternativePaymentMethodParameter(val key: String, val length: Int?, val required: Boolean, @Json(name = "type") val rawType: String, @Json(name = "display_name") val displayName: String, @Json(name = "available_values") val availableValues: List<PONativeAlternativePaymentMethodParameter.ParameterValue>?)

Native alternative payment method parameter definition.

@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class PONativeAlternativePaymentMethodParameterValues(val message: String?, @Json(name = "customer_action_message") val customerActionMessage: String?, @Json(name = "customer_action_barcode") val customerActionBarcode: POBarcode?, @Json(name = "provider_name") val providerName: String?, @Json(name = "provider_logo_url") val providerLogoUrl: String?)

Native alternative payment parameter values.

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Defines the state of native alternative payment.

Transaction details of native alternative payment method.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class POTransaction(@Json(name = "status") val rawStatus: String)

Transaction details.
