Package-level declarations


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data class PO3DS2AuthenticationRequest(val deviceData: String, val sdkAppId: String, val sdkEphemeralPublicKey: String, val sdkReferenceNumber: String, val sdkTransactionId: String)

Transaction data required by the 3DS Server to create the AReq.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class PO3DS2Challenge(@Json(name = "acsTransID") val acsTransactionId: String, val acsReferenceNumber: String, val acsSignedContent: String, @Json(name = "threeDSServerTransID") val threeDSServerTransactionId: String)

Information from the 3DS Server authentication response that could be used by the 3DS2 SDK to initiate the challenge flow.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class PO3DS2Configuration(@Json(name = "directoryServerID") val directoryServerId: String, val directoryServerPublicKey: String, @Json(name = "threeDSServerTransID") val directoryServerTransactionId: String, @Json(name = "directoryServerRootCAs") val directoryServerRootCertificates: List<String>, val messageVersion: String, val scheme: String?)

Configuration parameters that are required by the 3DS SDK for initialization.

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data class PO3DSRedirect(val url: URL, val timeoutSeconds: Int? = null, val isHeadlessModeAllowed: Boolean = false)

3DS redirect configuration.