
Delegate interface for POCheckout3DSService.


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abstract fun configuration(parameters: ConfigParameters): ThreeDS2ServiceConfiguration

Implementation should create ThreeDS2ServiceConfiguration using parameters and return it.

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Notifies delegate that service did complete device fingerprinting.

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Notifies delegate that service did end handling 3DS2 challenge with given result.

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abstract fun handle(redirect: PO3DSRedirect, callback: (ProcessOutResult<String>) -> Unit)

Asks delegate to handle 3DS redirect.

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open fun shouldContinue(warnings: Set<Warning>, callback: (Boolean) -> Unit)

Asks delegate whether service should continue with the given warnings. Default implementation ignores warnings and callbacks with true.

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Notifies delegate that service is about to fingerprint device.

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open fun willHandle(challenge: PO3DS2Challenge)

Notifies delegate that implementation is about to handle 3DS2 challenge.