Package-level declarations


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data class POAllGatewayConfigurationsRequest(val filter: POAllGatewayConfigurationsRequest.Filter? = null, val withDisabled: Boolean = false)

Request parameters used to fetch gateway configurations.

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data class POAlternativePaymentMethodRequest(val invoiceId: String, val gatewayConfigurationId: String, val additionalData: Map<String, String>? = null, val customerId: String? = null, val tokenId: String? = null)

Request parameters used to create a redirect URL to initiate alternative payment. Note: make sure to supply proper additionalData specific for particular payment method.

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data class POAssignCustomerTokenRequest(val customerId: String, val tokenId: String, val source: String, val preferredScheme: String? = null, val enableThreeDS2: Boolean = true, val verify: Boolean = false, val invoiceId: String? = null, val thirdPartySdkVersion: String? = null, val metadata: Map<String, String>? = null)

Request parameters used to assign new source to existing customer token and potentially verify it.

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data class POCardTokenizationPreferredSchemeRequest constructor(val issuerInformation: POCardIssuerInformation, val uuid: UUID = UUID.randomUUID()) : POEventDispatcher.Request

Defines the request to choose a preferred scheme that will be used for card tokenization by default.

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data class POCardTokenizationProcessingRequest(val card: POCard, val saveCard: Boolean)

Request to process tokenized card (authorize invoice or assign customer token).

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data class POCardTokenizationRequest(val metadata: Map<String, String>? = null, val number: String? = "", val expMonth: Int? = 0, val expYear: Int? = 0, val cvc: String? = "", val name: String = "", val contact: POContact? = POContact(), val preferredScheme: String? = null, val tokenType: POCardTokenizationRequest.TokenType? = null, val paymentToken: String? = "")

Details of the card that should be tokenized.

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data class POCardTokenizationShouldContinueRequest constructor(val failure: ProcessOutResult.Failure, val uuid: UUID = UUID.randomUUID())

Defines the request to decide whether the flow should continue or complete after the failure.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class POCardUpdateCVCRequest(val cvc: String)

Request to update Card Verification Code of the card.

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data class POCardUpdateRequest(val cardId: String, val cvc: String? = null, val preferredScheme: String? = null)

Request to update card information.

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data class POCardUpdateShouldContinueRequest constructor(val cardId: String, val failure: ProcessOutResult.Failure, val uuid: UUID = UUID.randomUUID())

Defines the request to decide whether the flow should continue or complete after the failure.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class POContact(val address1: String? = "", val address2: String? = "", val city: String? = "", val state: String? = "", val zip: String? = "", @Json(name = "country_code") val countryCode: String? = "") : Parcelable

Cardholder information.

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data class PODeleteCustomerTokenRequest(val customerId: String, val tokenId: String, val clientSecret: String)

Request to delete a customer token.

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data class POGatewayConfigurationRequest(val gatewayConfigurationId: String, val withGateway: Boolean = false)

Request parameters used to fetch specific gateway configuration.

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data class POInvoiceAuthorizationRequest(val invoiceId: String, val source: String, val saveSource: Boolean = false, val incremental: Boolean = false, val enableThreeDS2: Boolean = true, val preferredScheme: String? = null, val thirdPartySdkVersion: String? = null, val invoiceDetailsIds: List<String>? = null, val overrideMacBlocking: Boolean = false, val initialSchemeTransactionId: String? = null, val autoCaptureAt: Date? = null, val captureAmount: String? = null, val authorizeOnly: Boolean = true, val allowFallbackToSale: Boolean = false, val clientSecret: String? = null, val metadata: Map<String, String>? = null)

Request parameters used for invoice authorization.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class POInvoiceRequest(val invoiceId: String, val clientSecret: String? = null) : Parcelable

Request to get single invoice details.

data class PONativeAlternativePaymentMethodDefaultValuesRequest constructor(val gatewayConfigurationId: String, val invoiceId: String, val parameters: List<PONativeAlternativePaymentMethodParameter>, val uuid: UUID = UUID.randomUUID()) : POEventDispatcher.Request

Defines the request to provide default values for native alternative payment method parameters.

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data class PONativeAlternativePaymentMethodRequest(val invoiceId: String, val gatewayConfigurationId: String, val parameters: Map<String, String>)

Request parameters used to initiate payment.