Request parameters used for invoice authorization.
Invoice identifier to authorize.
Payment source to use for authorization.
If you want us to save the payment source by creating a customer token during the authorization. Only supported with card payment source.
Boolean value indicating if authorization is incremental. Default value is false.
Boolean value indicating whether 3DS2 is enabled. Default value is true.
Card scheme or co-scheme that should get priority if it is available.
Can be used for a 3DS2 request to indicate which third party SDK is used for the call.
Can be used to to provide specific ids to indicate which of items provided in invoice details list are subject to capture.
Allows to specify if transaction blocking due to MasterCard Merchant Advice Code should be applied or not. Default value is false.
Allows to specify which scheme ID to use for subsequent CIT/MITs if applicable.
You can set this property to arrange for the payment to be captured automatically after a time delay.
Amount of money to capture when partial captures are available. Note that this only applies if you are also using the autoCaptureAt option.
Boolean value indicating whether should only authorize the invoice or also capture it. Default value is true.
Boolean value indicating whether should fallback to sale if the gateway does not support separation between authorization and capture. Default value is false.
Client secret is a value of X-ProcessOut-Client-Secret header of the invoice.
Additional metadata.