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data class Authentication(val authenticationCode: POFailure.AuthenticationCode) : POFailure.Code

API credentials could not be verified.

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Operation is cancelled.

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data class Generic(val genericCode: POFailure.GenericCode = GenericCode.mobile) : POFailure.Code

Generic error that can’t be classified as specific.

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data class Internal(val internalCode: POFailure.InternalCode = InternalCode.mobile) : POFailure.Code

Something went wrong on the ProcessOut side. This is extremely rare.

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No network connection.

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data class NotFound(val notFoundCode: POFailure.NotFoundCode) : POFailure.Code

The requested resource could not be found.

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data class Timeout(val timeoutCode: POFailure.TimeoutCode = TimeoutCode.mobile) : POFailure.Code

Operation is timed out.

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data class Unknown(val rawValue: String) : POFailure.Code

Unknown error that can’t be interpreted. Inspect associated rawValue for additional details.

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data class Validation(val validationCode: POFailure.ValidationCode) : POFailure.Code

Request data is not valid or cannot be validated.


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Raw error code. Consistent with iOS SDK.


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)