Custom title.
Custom primary action text (e.g. "Pay").
Secondary action. To hide secondary action use null, this is a default behaviour.
Defines maximum number of options that will be displayed inline for parameters where user should select single option (e.g. radio buttons). Default value is 5.
Specifies cancellation behaviour.
Custom success message when payment is completed.
Only applies when waitsPaymentConfirmation is true.
Specifies whether flow should wait for payment confirmation from PSP or will complete right after all user’s input is submitted. Default value is true.
Amount of time (in seconds) to wait for final payment confirmation. Default value is 3 minutes, while maximum value is 15 minutes.
Optional primary action for payment confirmation. To hide action use null, this is a default behaviour.
Action that could be optionally presented to user during payment confirmation stage. To hide action use null, this is a default behaviour.
Show progress indicator during payment confirmation after provided delay (in seconds). To hide progress indicator use null, this is a default behaviour.