data class PONativeAlternativePaymentMethodConfiguration(val gatewayConfigurationId: String, val invoiceId: String, val options: PONativeAlternativePaymentMethodConfiguration.Options = Options(), val style: PONativeAlternativePaymentMethodConfiguration.Style? = null) : Parcelable
Defines native alternative payment method configuration.
Gateway configuration ID.
Invoice ID.
Allows to customize behaviour and pre-define the values.
Allows to customize the look and feel.
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constructor(gatewayConfigurationId: String, invoiceId: String, options: PONativeAlternativePaymentMethodConfiguration.Options = Options(), style: PONativeAlternativePaymentMethodConfiguration.Style? = null)
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data class ActionConfirmation(val enabled: Boolean = false, val title: String? = null, val message: String? = null, val confirmActionText: String? = null, val dismissActionText: String? = null) : Parcelable
Specifies action confirmation configuration (e.g. dialog).
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data class Cancellation(val dragDown: Boolean = true, val touchOutside: Boolean = true, val backPressed: Boolean = true) : Parcelable
Specifies cancellation behaviour.
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Action for confirmation.
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data class Options(val title: String? = null, val primaryActionText: String? = null, val secondaryAction: PONativeAlternativePaymentMethodConfiguration.SecondaryAction? = null, val inlineSingleSelectValuesLimit: Int = 5, val cancellation: PONativeAlternativePaymentMethodConfiguration.Cancellation = Cancellation(), val successMessage: String? = null, val skipSuccessScreen: Boolean = false, val waitsPaymentConfirmation: Boolean = true, val paymentConfirmationTimeoutSeconds: Int = DEFAULT_PAYMENT_CONFIRMATION_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, val paymentConfirmationPrimaryAction: PONativeAlternativePaymentMethodConfiguration.ConfirmAction? = null, val paymentConfirmationSecondaryAction: PONativeAlternativePaymentMethodConfiguration.SecondaryAction? = null, val showPaymentConfirmationProgressIndicatorAfterSeconds: Int? = null) : Parcelable
Allows to customize behaviour and pre-define the values.
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Supported secondary actions.
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data class Style(val title: POTextStyle? = null, val input: POInputStyle? = null, val codeInput: POInputStyle? = null, val dropdownMenu: POInputFieldStyle? = null, val radioButton: PORadioButtonStyle? = null, val primaryButton: POButtonStyle? = null, val secondaryButton: POButtonStyle? = null, val background: POBackgroundStyle? = null, @ColorInt val backgroundColor: Int? = null, @ColorInt val progressIndicatorColor: Int? = null, @ColorInt val controlsTintColor: Int? = null, val message: POTextStyle? = null, val successMessage: POTextStyle? = null, @DrawableRes val successImageResId: Int? = null, val backgroundDecoration: POBackgroundDecorationStyle? = null, val dialog: PODialogStyle? = null) : Parcelable
Allows to customize the look and feel.