
data class POCardUpdateConfiguration(val cardId: String, val options: POCardUpdateConfiguration.Options = Options(), val style: POCardUpdateConfiguration.Style? = null) : Parcelable

Defines card update configuration.



Card ID.


Allows to customize behaviour and pre-define the values.


Allows to customize the look and feel.


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constructor(cardId: String, options: POCardUpdateConfiguration.Options = Options(), style: POCardUpdateConfiguration.Style? = null)


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data class CardInformation(val maskedNumber: String? = null, val iin: String? = null, val scheme: String? = null, val preferredScheme: String? = null) : Parcelable

Allows to provide card information that will be visible in UI.

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data class Options(val title: String? = null, val cardInformation: POCardUpdateConfiguration.CardInformation? = null, val primaryActionText: String? = null, val secondaryActionText: String? = null, val cancellation: POCancellationConfiguration = POCancellationConfiguration()) : Parcelable

Allows to customize behaviour and pre-define the values.

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data class Style(val title: POTextStyle? = null, val field: POFieldStyle? = null, val errorMessage: POTextStyle? = null, val actionsContainer: POActionsContainerStyle? = null, @ColorRes val backgroundColorResId: Int? = null, @ColorRes val dividerColorResId: Int? = null, @ColorRes val dragHandleColorResId: Int? = null) : Parcelable

Allows to customize the look and feel.


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)