
data class PONativeAlternativePaymentConfiguration(val invoiceId: String, val gatewayConfigurationId: String, val title: String? = null, val submitButton: PONativeAlternativePaymentConfiguration.Button = Button(), val cancelButton: PONativeAlternativePaymentConfiguration.CancelButton? = null, val cancellation: POCancellationConfiguration = POCancellationConfiguration(), val paymentConfirmation: PONativeAlternativePaymentConfiguration.PaymentConfirmationConfiguration = PaymentConfirmationConfiguration(confirmButton = null), val barcode: POBarcodeConfiguration = POBarcodeConfiguration(saveButton = POBarcodeConfiguration.Button()), val inlineSingleSelectValuesLimit: Int = 5, val skipSuccessScreen: Boolean = false, val successMessage: String? = null, val style: PONativeAlternativePaymentConfiguration.Style? = null) : Parcelable

Defines native alternative payment configuration.



Invoice ID.


Gateway configuration ID.


Custom title.


Submit button configuration.


Cancel button configuration. Use null to hide, this is a default behaviour.


Specifies cancellation behaviour.


Specifies payment confirmation behaviour.


Specifies barcode configuration.


Defines maximum number of options that will be displayed inline for parameters where user should select single option (e.g. radio buttons). Default value is 5.


Custom success message when payment is completed.


Allows to customize the look and feel.


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constructor(invoiceId: String, gatewayConfigurationId: String, options: PONativeAlternativePaymentConfiguration.Options = Options(), style: PONativeAlternativePaymentConfiguration.Style? = null)

Defines native alternative payment configuration.

constructor(invoiceId: String, gatewayConfigurationId: String, title: String? = null, submitButton: PONativeAlternativePaymentConfiguration.Button = Button(), cancelButton: PONativeAlternativePaymentConfiguration.CancelButton? = null, cancellation: POCancellationConfiguration = POCancellationConfiguration(), paymentConfirmation: PONativeAlternativePaymentConfiguration.PaymentConfirmationConfiguration = PaymentConfirmationConfiguration(confirmButton = null), barcode: POBarcodeConfiguration = POBarcodeConfiguration(saveButton = POBarcodeConfiguration.Button()), inlineSingleSelectValuesLimit: Int = 5, skipSuccessScreen: Boolean = false, successMessage: String? = null, style: PONativeAlternativePaymentConfiguration.Style? = null)


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data class Button(val text: String? = null, val icon: PODrawableImage? = null) : Parcelable

Button configuration.

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data class CancelButton(val text: String? = null, val icon: PODrawableImage? = null, val disabledForSeconds: Int = 0, val confirmation: POActionConfirmationConfiguration? = null) : Parcelable

Cancel button configuration.

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data class CancellationConfiguration(val backPressed: Boolean = true, val dragDown: Boolean = true, val touchOutside: Boolean = true) : Parcelable

Specifies cancellation behaviour.

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data class ConfirmAction(val text: String? = null) : Parcelable

Confirmation action.

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data class Options(val title: String? = null, val primaryActionText: String? = null, val secondaryAction: PONativeAlternativePaymentConfiguration.SecondaryAction? = null, val cancellation: PONativeAlternativePaymentConfiguration.CancellationConfiguration = CancellationConfiguration(), val paymentConfirmation: PONativeAlternativePaymentConfiguration.PaymentConfirmationConfiguration = PaymentConfirmationConfiguration(confirmButton = null), val barcode: POBarcodeConfiguration = POBarcodeConfiguration(saveButton = POBarcodeConfiguration.Button()), val inlineSingleSelectValuesLimit: Int = 5, val skipSuccessScreen: Boolean = false, val successMessage: String? = null) : Parcelable

Allows to customize behaviour and pre-define the values.

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data class PaymentConfirmationConfiguration(val waitsConfirmation: Boolean = true, val timeoutSeconds: Int = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, val showProgressIndicatorAfterSeconds: Int? = null, val hideGatewayDetails: Boolean = false, val confirmButton: PONativeAlternativePaymentConfiguration.Button? = null, val cancelButton: PONativeAlternativePaymentConfiguration.CancelButton? = null) : Parcelable

Specifies payment confirmation behaviour.

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Supported secondary actions.

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data class Style(val title: POTextStyle? = null, val label: POTextStyle? = null, val field: POFieldStyle? = null, val codeField: POFieldStyle? = null, val radioButton: PORadioButtonStyle? = null, val dropdownMenu: PODropdownMenuStyle? = null, val actionsContainer: POActionsContainerStyle? = null, val dialog: PODialogStyle? = null, val background: POBackgroundStyle? = null, val message: POTextStyle? = null, val errorMessage: POTextStyle? = null, val successMessage: POTextStyle? = null, @DrawableRes val successImageResId: Int? = null, @ColorRes val progressIndicatorColorResId: Int? = null, @ColorRes val controlsTintColorResId: Int? = null, @ColorRes val dividerColorResId: Int? = null, @ColorRes val dragHandleColorResId: Int? = null) : Parcelable

Allows to customize the look and feel.


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val successMessage: String? = null
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val title: String? = null


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)