data class POSavedPaymentMethodsConfiguration(val invoiceRequest: POInvoiceRequest, val title: String? = null, val deleteButton: POSavedPaymentMethodsConfiguration.Button = Button(), val cancelButton: POSavedPaymentMethodsConfiguration.Button? = Button(), val bottomSheet: POBottomSheetConfiguration = POBottomSheetConfiguration(
height = WrapContent,
expandable = false
), val style: POSavedPaymentMethodsConfiguration.Style? = null) : Parcelable
Specifies saved payment methods configuration.
Invoice request. Note: Make sure that POInvoiceRequest.clientSecret is set to include saved payment methods in the response.
Custom title.
Payment method's delete button configuration.
Cancel button configuration. Use null to hide.
Specifies bottom sheet configuration. By default will wrap content and is non-expandable.
Custom screen style.
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constructor(invoiceRequest: POInvoiceRequest, title: String? = null, deleteButton: POSavedPaymentMethodsConfiguration.Button = Button(), cancelButton: POSavedPaymentMethodsConfiguration.Button? = Button(), bottomSheet: POBottomSheetConfiguration = POBottomSheetConfiguration(
height = WrapContent,
expandable = false
), style: POSavedPaymentMethodsConfiguration.Style? = null)
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data class Button(val text: String? = null, val icon: PODrawableImage? = null, val confirmation: POActionConfirmationConfiguration? = null) : Parcelable
Button configuration.
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data class HeaderStyle(val title: POTextStyle, @ColorRes val dragHandleColorResId: Int? = null, @ColorRes val dividerColorResId: Int? = null, @ColorRes val backgroundColorResId: Int? = null) : Parcelable
Specifies screen header style.
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data class PaymentMethodStyle(val description: POTextStyle, val deleteButton: POButtonStyle, val border: POBorderStyle? = null, @ColorRes val backgroundColorResId: Int? = null) : Parcelable
Specifies payment method style.
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data class Style(val header: POSavedPaymentMethodsConfiguration.HeaderStyle? = null, val paymentMethod: POSavedPaymentMethodsConfiguration.PaymentMethodStyle? = null, val messageBox: POMessageBoxStyle? = null, val dialog: PODialogStyle? = null, val cancelButton: POButtonStyle? = null, @ColorRes val progressIndicatorColorResId: Int? = null, @ColorRes val backgroundColorResId: Int? = null) : Parcelable
Specifies screen style.